Jenise's Jammers

2017 TSJ-2075P 5GHz WiFi GPS and Cellular Jamming Solution rYbxrtrJenbtmcxYsw for ebay.

tDescription" id="ProductDescription">

Product Description

5GHz WiFi and Cellular Jammer

Following requests from many customers, we now offer a WiFi blocker that includes 5GHz WiFi coverage, as well as being an effective phone jammer .
This unit is available in 2 standard configurations, and custom tuning is also available upon request.

Jamming frequencies:

Configuration 1 :
5.1 - 5.5 GHz 1W
5.5 - 5.9 GHz 1W
2400 - 2480 MHz 2W
850 - 965 MHz 3W
1800 - 1990 MHz 3W
2100 - 2170 MHz 3W
Total 13W

Configuration 2:
5.1 GHz - 5.5 GHz 1W
5.5 GHz - 5.9 GHz 1W
2400 - 2480 MHz 2W
Total 8W

Total output power: 8-13W

Power supply: AC100-240V or 12V vehicle charger (both are included)

Jamming range: Up to 40 meters

Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x5cm


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  • PCI Certified SAFE and Secure Checkout
  • Full HTTPS on Our Entire Website for Your Protection

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