Top China Wholesale 3W 4G 3G Cell Phone Portable Antenna oPblPimlYGk for sale.

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Top China Wholesale 3W 4G 3G Cell Phone Portable Antenna oPblPimlYGk for sale.

Top China Wholesale 3W 4G 3G Cell Phone Portable Antenna oPblPimlYGk for sale.

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Processing Time: 1 to 3 working days
Shipping Time: 5 to 12 working days(Express Shipping Worldwide)
2 to 4 weeks(Registered Airmail Worldwide)
Payment Method: Credit Card,Bank Transfer,Western Union

Product Description

Still worrying that your jammer device will become useless when the antennas are broken? Then you just need to buy a new set of antenna to replace the old one. And this antenna product that you are viewing is designed for the 3W Portable 3G Cell Phone Jammer & 4G Jammer only.

If you are in need of one just come here and get one set for your jammer, then your jammer will back to work as normal soon.

These antennas are designed for 3W Portable 3G Cell Phone Jammer & 4G Jammer (JASM170156) only. They are already included in the package for it. You can buy one more set as spare parts if needed


  • Antennas for Jammer model JASM170156


  • 5pcs Portable 3G Cell Phone Jammer & 4G Jammer Antennas

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