This J-260C 10m portable GPS Signal Blocker Jammer is an helpful protect against GPS satellite positioning tracking by effectively interfere the GPS satellite signal.

This gps signal jammer also has a great performance on other locations where secret and quiet is requested absolutely.

Best choice for you!

Jamming Radius: block GPS L1 and GPS L2 Signals  at the same time.

Output port


Radius Range



Up to 10meters radius




  • Cellular phone jammer features top hidden
  • It seems that it is not a jammer
  • Built-in antennas, and insulate per antenna, which make sure that work more efficiently
  • Replacing battery is very easy, as we take off the battery from the mobile phone
  • Adopting super-high frequency and mini-power interference technology
  • Cellular phone jammer can continue to work 365 days with charger
  • Cellular phone jammer maintains the stable operation condition with high integration
  • Protable signal blocker jammer has a good design for circuit
  • Low power consumption, it can keep constant work for 2 hours, powered by battery
  • Be able to be charged with Nokia charger
  • High quality design, low heat
  • Effectively making subsection, just interfering the downlink and no interception to the base station
  • This 5~10m portable GPS signal blocker jammer protects your sensitive room conversations by generating a random masking sound which desensitizes any near-by microphone
  • High efficiency
  • Dimension: 97×48 ×18mm/3.82 x 1.89 x 0.71in (L x W x H)
  • Output Power: 0.4W
  • Power supply: (AC220V DC5V)
  • Color: Light Brown
  • Charger: Including Car charger and Charger Adapter
  • Working Time of Input Battery: 150minuters
  • Jamming Radius: Up to 2-10m(Signal ≤-75dBm)
  • All the parts warranty: 15 months
  • Supply Ability: 10,00pcs/month

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