Wholesales GPS Tracking Detector Locates Bugs QruzsYtdd for sale.

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Product Description

Locate Bugs with a GPS Tracker Detector

Concerned about a covert GPS tracking device on your person or vehicle?  Locate them with this GPS tracking detector .  This high sensitivity GSM and GPS detector will not interfere with any analog or digital signals but will specifically locate the signal source.  This is the best GPS bug detector we offer.

Features an audio mode via speaker or earphone jack, or use silent / vibrate mode.

Prevent unauthorized tracking and surveillance by locating and disabling small GPS tracking devices.

Be sure to see our other signal detectors , but if you prefer to take a more active role and block GPS signal transmissions?  Check out our GPS jammer page.



    Size: 8.7 x 5.5 x 2.4cm
    Power: 3V DC (AAA battery x 2)
    Detecting distance: Up to 7 meters
    Warning mode :
        Audible alarm and 3 LEDs display
        Vibration and 3 LEDs display
        Silent / 3 LEDs display and earphone


    Reliable GPS tracking device location with pinpoint accuracy
    Scan and find GPS and GSM hidden bugs and tracking devices
    Quickly sweep your vehicle to find any hidden GPS tracking for cars
    Scan for hidden tracking or listening devices using GSM communication
    Detecting Unauthorized GSM Phone Use in an area
    Does not interfere with 2-way radio, cordless phone, wireless camera, etc.
    Sensitivity controller can adjust working range


The Signal Jammer Service

  • FREE Shipping
  • Rock Bottom Pricing
  • Limited Lifetime Warranty
  • PCI Certified SAFE and Secure Checkout
  • Full HTTPS on Our Entire Website for Your Protection

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