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Best Prison Signal Jammer 210W for Outdoor Use kzfGlbxGi NavtechGPS.

  • tDescription" id="ProductDescription">

    Product Description

    Our most popular prison cell phone jammer, this waterproof outdoor unit provides 210W of power.

    Designed for military and security applications, this item is deployed and in current widespread use in Central and South America .

    Ideal for use in penal institutions and detention centers , as well as military applications.

    Designed for secure installation to prevent sabotage and tampering.

    Up to five frequency bands can be simultaneously blocked.

    The system has circuit protection and will not burn out should there be an antenna short circuiting or incorrect disconnection.

    Central remote control system can insure operation is only by authorized personnel.

    Operational control unit can enable or disable each band separately or simultaneously.

    Adjustable RF power output level.

    Coverage: 850-894MHz / 925-960MHz / 1805-1990MHz / 2110-2170MHz

    *Custom tuning available

    Range: 300-500+ Meters

    Dimensions: 60×36×20cm (L*W*H)

    Optional Features
    • Various antenna options provide jamming coverage flexibility.

    • Special additional housing available for extreme weather condition protection.

    • UPS and battery back up avaliable for protection against main power failure.

    • Installation and training available.


    * Does not qualify for free shipping

    Additional models available on our prison jammers page .


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