Buy Handy Lte Cell 3G Phone Isolator with Cooling Fan PQt_mrPlhfYehfd_u hot sales.

  • Buy Handy Lte Cell 3G Phone Isolator with Cooling Fan PQt_mrPlhfYehfd_u hot sales

Handy 4G Lte 3G Cellphone Isolator with Cooling Fan

Main Features:

  • Jamming Device: Cellphone
  • Jamming Signal: 4G Lte, 3G,GSM,CDMA,DCS,PCS
  • Jamming Area: 5 - 20 Meters in diameter
  • Specifications:

  • Jamming Frequency:
  • 4G(LTE): 725-770MHZ Or 790-825MHz; 3G : 2110-2170MHZ; CDMA: 850-894MHz; GSM: 925-960MHz; DCS: 1805-1880MHz; PCS: 1920-1990MHz;
  • Jamming Area: 5 - 20 Meters in diameter depending on signal strength and working environment
  • Total Output Power: 2W
  • Power Supply:AC100-240V DC12V
  • Battery Life: 1-2 Hours
  • Battery Type: Built in Rechargeable Li-ion battery
  • Size: Antennas off - 104x53x33mm(L x W x D)
  • Weight: 0.8KG
  • Package Included:

  • 1pc Handy 4G Lte 3G Cellphone Isolator with Cooling Fan
  • 1pc Power Adapter (100-240V)
  • 1pc Car Charger
  • 1pc Manual(if not included, please send email to ask for it)
  • Important Notice

  • The item is for Legal Use only!
  • Handy 4G Lte 3G Cell Phone Isolator with Cooling Fan
    Handy 4G Lte 3G Cell Phone Isolator with Cooling Fan
    Handy 4G Lte 3G Cell Phone Isolator with Cooling Fan
    Handy 4G Lte 3G Cell Phone Isolator with Cooling Fan
    Handy 4G Lte 3G Cell Phone Isolator with Cooling Fan
    Handy 4G Lte 3G Cell Phone Isolator with Cooling Fan
    Handy 4G Lte 3G Cell Phone Isolator with Cooling Fan
    Handy 4G Lte 3G Cell Phone Isolator with Cooling Fan

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