Product Details

Product Description

We wholesale signal jammer's RF modules, the output power are optional and the frequency bands including CDMA/GSM/DCS/3G/WIFI/GPS/VHF/UHF/4G LTE/4G
Wimax etc.

If the modules of your signal jammers are broken and you want to gain the suitable modules or DIY projects and make your signal jammer back to normal work, then you can just come here contact with our customer service and then find the suitable modules for your signal jammers.The price for different modules for different jammers are different. If you have the need please contact with us for the real price and then place the order.


  • Material:Fiberboard
  • Application:DIY projects


  • Signal jammer RF module

This product is in stock now, we guarantee shipping within 24 hours and offer 1 year warranty for all our products. Brought to you by the leader in security devices and best Signal Jammers, Jammerall.

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