Jenise's Jammers

Technologies Portable 4PCS GPS Cell Phone Signal Jammer Antenna croQP_edYxd for ebay.

Product Description

What is function of a GPS cell phone signal jammer antenna? Lack of antennas, how to search the GPS cell phone signals? And how do you deal with the jammer if one of the antennas is broken or lost? Throw it away? No! It’s exceedingly wasteful. Here is a good solution to this issue – portable GPS cell phone signal jammer antenna.

If you owned reserved antennas, you can change back into your GPS cell phone jammer easily. Just like the original antennas, those antennas are suitable for the jammer.Once the original antennas are broken or lost, the spare one could replace it, so that your jammer still works again. What’s more, you could buy another set of antennas for unexpected need when you buy the GPS mobile phone jammer.

Just purchase some antennas for unexpected needs; you will congratulate yourself for such a good choice. If you want to know more details please look up the product specifications.


  • These antennas are designed for  4 Band 4W Portable GPS Cell Phone Signal Jammer only. They are already included in the package for it. You can buy one more set as spare parts if needed


  • Antennas for Jammer model JASM170105


  • 4pcs GPS Cell Phone Signal Jammer Antennas


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